August 5, 2016

Abstract, Latin American Studies Journals at a Critical Juncture

:::::: Abstract ::::::

Latin American Studies Journals at a Critical Juncture 

At the Thirty-third International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association in 2015, Latin American Perspectives sponsored a featured session entitled “Latin American Studies Journals at a Critical Juncture.” Suggested themes and issues for discussion were the following:

How can journals best serve as a means of dialogue between academics in Latin America and the global North?
What is the impact of political activity or action in Latin America or the global North on the theoretical and empirical questions dealt with in journals?

To what extent is the research agenda set by U.S. and European academia, given the premium many receive for publishing in leading citation-indexed journals in English?

How do or should academic Latin American studies programs interact with social media and politics?
Envisioning the future, where should journals be headed?

Participants in the session included LAP Managing Editor Ronald Chilcote, Participating Editors Carmen Diana Deere and Steve Ellner, Coordinating Editor Miguel Tinker Salas, and the editors of three progressive journals based in Latin America— Pablo Gentili of Crítica y Emancipación: Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales), Rafael Hernández of Temas (Cuba), and Kemy Oyarzún of Nomadías (Chile), In addition, written comments from Rory Miller, former editor of the Bulletin of Latin American Research and the Journal of Latin American Studies in the UK, and LAP Participating Editor Ronaldo Munck were read aloud during the session. Some of the panel participants also presented their views in written papers that are printed after the following summary of the discussion.

A significant concern expressed by several participants was the adverse impact of policies at …


Latin American Perspectives
July 2016 vol. 43 no. 4 Abstract, pages 105-107

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