May 29, 2009

Looking Back, Moving Forward: 35 Years of Publication and many more to come

Latin American Perspectives (LAP) recently celebrated its thirty-fifth anniversary. It was a particularly special milestone for the journal, as it coincided with the fiftieth anniversary of the Cuban Revolution. LAP has in many ways grown with the revolution and documented its ups and downs in the numerous articles and issues dedicated to the goals and struggles of the revolution. Our most recent issues (Jan, Mar, and May 2009) highlight this important anniversary for the Cubans by calling on Cuban scholars, as well as international scholars who have taken part in the defiant dialogue to bridge the widening gap between the United States and Cuban governments.
Unlike other journals, LAP published over 30 articles and testimonials in these three consecutive issues, translating more articles by Cuban scholars than any other journal. As the legacies of the long held embargo come into question, LAP will be sure to maintain a constant scholarly dialogue between Latin America and the US.

The above image was taken in May 1985 at the home of Don and Marjorie Bray. (Back Row: Left to Right, Fran Chilcote, Nora Hamilton, Ron Chilcote, Don Bray w/Grandson, Marjorie Bray, Tim Harding, Richard Harris, Robert Dash (Deceased) Kemy Oyarzún; Front Row: Left to Right, Bill Bollinger, Jawdat Abu El-Haj, Trevor Campbell, Michael Kearney, and Dwight Hahn.)