March 30, 2018

Abstract, Stavenhagen and the Nation: Ethnicity, Community, and Political Project

:::::: Abstract ::::::

Stavenhagen and the Nation: Ethnicity, Community, and Political Project
by Jorgelina Loza

There is consensus in Latin America that the modern states of the region emerged from a communal project based on the existence of pre-national societies. It remains important, however, to ask who the actors behind this construct are and how they understand the discourse of the nation promoted by those states. Rodolfo Stavenhagen, who took a critical view of the processes of construction of this modern organizational form, approached the concept of the nation as a construct that took into account the coalition of prevailing forces and could be disputed by those seeking to play a leading role in it.

En América Latina, ya constituye un consenso afirmar que los estados modernos de la región emergen de un proyecto comunitario a partir de la existencia de sociedades pre-nacionales. Resulta urgente preguntarse por los actores que forman parte de dicha construcción y la forma en que reciben el discurso nacional promovido por el Estado. Rodolfo Stavenhagen, quien sostuvo una mirada crítica sobre los procesos de construcción de esta forma organizativa moderna, nos permite pensarla como una construcción que puede dar cuenta de la coalición de fuerzas vigente y ser disputada por aquellos que exigen tener un rol protagónico en la misma.



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